LearnerOn - AI powered smart learning platform | Product HuntLearnerOn - AI powered smart learning platform | Product Hunt
AI Powered Smart
Learning Platform

For companies small or big, with
attention to individual learning needs.

LearnerOn is a cutting-edge Learning eXperience
Platform that provides Talent Leaders with:

Highly personalizable learning and development experience for your colleagues,
Skills and knowledge progress tracking at the level of individuals or entire teams,
Support your company’s successful transition to the Learning Organization.

Streamline your L&D process with a single digital platform that integrates catalogue of learning resources, skills and occupations, and learning management.
Engage Learners
Offer personalized and engaging learning experiences with Learneron's AI-powered engine and tailored learning paths.
Steer the progress
Enable user self-service, peer-to-peer, and top-down learning modes, and easily track learning progress and monitor the growth of your colleagues' skills with Learneron's L&D program.

LearnerOn through the eyes of talent leaders,
L&D professionals, team leaders, and learning users.

  • Roles and skills integrated with learning materials,
  • Occupations design studio
  • Mentoring and feedback channels.
Talent Leader
LearnerOn's platform has solved the technology aspect of our talent learning and development, freeing us up to focus on the most important aspect of L&D - the human-centric activities that support our learning culture.
  • Cockpit for learning admins,
  • Compliance and progress dashboards,
  • Learning assignment central.
L&D manager
I was concerned that LearnerOn's platform might not cover our team's specialized roles and skills, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that the platform integrates half a million learning materials with thousands of roles and skills, covering nearly everything. Plus, the ability for my team to engage in sharing their own learning paths has led to fantastic spontaneous learning activities.
  • Catalogue of learning materials
  • Templates for skills and roles,
  • Personalized learning paths
Team leader
With LearnerOn, monitoring compliance and participation in learning initiatives is a breeze, as is tracking the progress of skill gains at the team and individual level. Assigning learning tasks, providing feedback, and promoting peer-to-peer learning is all made easier with the platform's intuitive interface.
  • Catalogue of learning materials,
  • Personalized learning paths
  • Two-way feedback
  • Mentoring channel.
Team Member
I initially thought LearnerOn would just be "another" LMS, but it turned out to be a substantially different experience. The platform's AI suggests the next steps in my learning journey, takes into account my skills and gaps, and even my career aspirations. Despite the use of AI, human touch is still present as I am able to connect with my peers and mentor instantly, and we can exchange learning paths.

With LearnerOn’s technology backing you,

for the human-centric tasks in talent development:

Design of meaningful learning programs,

Technology-supported mentorship,

Informed way of skills development,

Focus on the learning culture,

Nurturing your learning organization.

LearnerOn materials integration

Highlight: Satisfying individual learning needs

Our learning catalog is carefully curated to meet your individual needs, offering over 500,000 courses, videos, articles, podcasts, code, and more.

You can leverage the power of your internal knowledge library by combining it with our vast selection of learning materials.

We offer pre-prepared learning paths that are ready to be personalized, cloned, edited, or shared, along with a cost-conscious mode that makes it easy to find alternative learning resources.

Highlight: Catalogue of templates for:


Skill models

Roles design studio


Do you wish to provide your team with
an engaging and individualized
learning experience?

Contact us

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India HR Tech
Singapore HR Tech

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